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Newcastle ISD Safety and Security Concern
Please use this form to submit safety and/or security concern to the Newcastle ISD Threat Assessment Team. IF THERE IS AN IMMINENT THREAT / RISK OF VIOLENCE, PLEASE NOTIFY LAW ENFORCEMENT IMMEDIATELY.
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* Indicates required question
In reporting this concern:
I wish to remain anonymous.
I'll provide my contact information at the end of the request.
I am reporting the following concern(s):*
A threat of violence has been made toward the Newcastle Independent School District as a whole.
A threat of violence has been a made toward an individual Newcastle ISD student.
A threat of violence has been toward an individual Newcastle ISD faculty or staff member.
If known, the name(s) of the person(s) causing your concern:*
Your answer
If known, the name(s) of the person to whom the threatening behavior is directed toward:
Your answer
Describe in detail how the concerning behavior came to your attention. For example, did you witness the behavior in person, by phone call, social media, text, email, or hear about it from someone else?
Your answer
Describe the concerns you have. Be as detailed and as specific as possible about what you saw, heard, and know about the situation you are reporting. (Include date, location & all details you know.)
Your answer
If there were any other witnesses to the event/behavior, please list them here:
Your answer
Your Name (Not Required):
Your answer
Your email address & contact number (Not Required):
Your answer
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